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About Dawn

I know how much of a drain it can be coming home to piles of dishes, flat surfaces covered in old papers, and clothes on the floor.


In my home I have two kids, both of whom have busy schedules, and despite our best intentions dirty clothes and schoolwork can find its way to every corner of the house. However, having a plan in place means that every member of the family knows where everything belongs. It’s just a matter of getting the clothes to the right hamper, the sports equipment in the right bin, and the schoolwork to the right folder in the right backpack.

When you don’t have a system, clutter piles up until eventually you can’t find what you need, or worse, the items you need get thrown out with the junk. It can be overwhelming to know what to keep and what to throw away. The daunting task of sorting through all of the mess that accumulates over months and years can be enough to paralyze even those with the best intentions.

That’s where I come in. My job is to help you reclaim your spaces and find the things that mean the most to you. Together, we create a simple system that works for you and is easy to maintain--one where you know where everything is, where you know where to put the important bills and mementos so they don’t find a home on the nearest counter top.

With 22 years of management and training experience with a Fortune 500 company, I have worked with a variety of people, focusing on their individual customer service experiences.  When my former employer closed its California regional office, I decided not to relocate and became a stay-at-home mom. As my kids have grown, I've continuously updated our systems to keep everyone responsible for their own stuff. This allows me to time to pursue my dream of starting my own business to help other people learn to free themselves  of clutter to pursue what makes them happy.


Being a business owner and a parent, I understand the value of developing effective and efficient organizational solutions for my clients in their homes. I pride myself in repurposing what my clients already have to organize them, minimizing purchasing containers, which can be expensive. 

I am a Professional Organizer and training consultant. I hold an MBA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. I have been a volunteer with the Girl Scouts Heart of Central California, an active Board Member for Courtyard School, and held memberships in the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), National Association of Professional Women (NAPW). I am currently an active member of Organizing Specialists of Sacramento (OSS).




Dawn Lawver


Professional Organizer



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